Splenic thrombus in a 2 year old SF mixed breed dog with Evans syndrome

Splenic thrombus in a 2 year old SF mixed breed dog with Evans syndrome

A 2-year-old SF mixed breed dog was presented for evaluation of acute onset abdominal pain, polypnea, salivation, and shaking. Approximately a month prior she had been diagnosed with Evans syndrome, which was being managed with azathioprine, prednisone, and aspirin. Survey abdominal radiographs showed a full stomach but no obvious mass/obstruction and a mild hazy pattern…

04_00345 Garbo D Gastric foreign body

An 8-year-old SF Golden retriever dog was presented for evaluation of anorexic, vomiting, having a distended abdomen, and weight loss. Additional history was chronic prednisone therapy.

Gastric foreign body and flattened adrenals (due to chronic prednisone therapy) in an 8 year old FS Golden Retriever

An 8-year-old SF Golden retriever dog was presented for evaluation of anorexia, vomiting, distended abdomen, and weight loss. The dog had been on chronic prednisone therapy.

Endocarditis, Ruptured Chordae, Mitral prolapse, and Aortic Aneurism with Thrombus and Suspected PTE in a Large Breed Dog undergoing Chemotherapy

A middle aged mixed breed FS dog was presented for evaluation of poor appetite, lethargy, polypnea, and recent onset heart murmur. Additional history is that the patient has had chemotherapy for neoplasia and is currently on prednisone therapy. Abnormalities on physical examination were hind limb deficits and weight loss. CBC revealed leuokocytosis. Serum chemistry was…

Thoracic mass suggestive for lung neoplasia in a 6 year old MI Rhodesian Ridgeback dog

A 6 year-old male Rhodesian Ridgeback with a history of IMHA and current cortisone therapy was presented for being depressed. Abnormalities on physical examination were pale pink mucosa, tachycardia, polypnea, and a distended abdomen. CBC showed leukocytosis, neutrophilia, monocytosis, and regenerative anemia. Coombs test was negative.

Primary renal dysplasia complicated by Leptospirosis in a 4 year old MN Llasa Apso

A 4-year-old MN Lhasa Apso with history of allergies being managed with hydroxyzine, Benadryl, and dexamethasone, was presented for a routine visit. The only abnormality on physical examination was an oral mass adjacent to the lower incisors. Pre-anesthetic bloods showed mild azotemia. The patient’s procedure was postponed until azotemia improved.

Pneumonia diagnosed by FNA of consolidated lung in a 7 year old FS German Shepherd Dog

A 7-year-old FS German Shepherd with history of treatment for undiagnosed illness was presented for evaluation of considerable weight loss, weakness, lethargy, coughing up bile, anorexia, not urinating and not defecating. Current therapy was prednisone, sucralfate, and tramadol. Abnormalities on physical examination were weakness and labored breathing. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were moderately elevated ALP…

Mast cell disease diagnosed by FNA of mesenteric lymph nodes in a 9 year old MN DSH cat

A 9-year-old MN DSH was presented for the evaluation of lethargy, and vomiting. The cat had been previously diagnosed with multiple cutaneous mast cell tumors. He also had a history of receiving Depo-medrol injections. The cat was febrile and had a painful abdomen on palpation. Previous blood work had shown an elevation of the ALT…

Primary brachial plexus soft tissue osteosarcoma with liver metastasis in a 11 year old MN Welsh Corgi dog

An 11-year-old MN Welsh Corgi dog with history of elevated liver enzyme activity (treated with Denamarin for three weeks), a nerve sheath tumor in right axilla that had been diagnosed on MRI, and more recently had developed an open hygroma on the left elbow, was presented for recheck blood work. Current therapy was gabapentin, steroids,…

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