Small intestinal foreign body in a 6 year old Labrador Retriever dog

Small intestinal foreign body in a 6 year old Labrador Retriever dog

A 6-year-old Labrador Retriever dog was presented with a history of seizure activity, currently being treated with phenobarbital. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were hemoconcentration, monocytosis, elevated ALP and elevated GGT activity, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypochloremia.

03_00172 Skittles B Biliary calculi

A 12-year-old FS Malti-poo with a history of seizures and unregulated diabetes, was presented for seizure activity. She was admitted immediately and given diazepam (Valium®) via I.V. catheter. The physical exam following the injection of diazepam found the patient to be quiet, and obtunded. She had tacky pale pink mucous membranes, bilateral cataracts, and mild…

Cholelithiasis in a 14 year old FS Miniature Schnauzer dog

A 14-year-old FS Miniature Schnauzer with history of diabetes, seizures, and squamous cell carcinoma of right hind paw (5th digit amputated), was presented for decreased appetite, defecating in house, and vomiting. Physical exam was unremarkable. Patient was admitted for I.V. fluid therapy and nursing care. Blood chemistry revealed hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypochloremia, elevated Alkaline Phosphatase,…

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