CT – Bilateral Elbow Dysplasia in a young Male Bernese Mountain Dog
The patient has had an unusual gait from birth. The last few months this has worsened; he appears sore in all limbs, sometimes cries out on rising and favors the right front leg. Radiographs performed at rDVM who prescribed Rimadyl and made referral. The dog is very active but appears painful after play. Rimadyl is…
Prostatic carcinoma in a 14 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog
A 14-year-old MN Labrador Retriever was presented for evaluation of pollakiuria and hematuria. The patient had been on Deramaxx for chronic arthritis.
03-00214 Cheyenne B —NEEDS DX, C—-NO IMAGES—-
A 13-year-old FS retriever cross with history of left adrenelectomy for an adrenocortical adenoma and steroid hepatopathy was presented for not doing right, polypnea, urinary incontinence, and losing his toe nails. The patient was currently on Deramaxx for DJD. On physical examination the patient was QAR, had normal heart and lung sounds, showed polypnea, and…
03-00142 Princess M Lymphoplasmacytic hepatitis; possible splenic lymphoma -RESEARCH ONLY
A 12-year-old FS German Shepherd, currently on Rimadyl and DES, was presented for decreased appetite, shaking of the head, defecating in the house, and knuckling on the front limbs. Abnormalities on physical examination were pyrexia (103°), bilateral cataracts, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, a pendulous abdomen, and weak hindquarters. Abnormalities on urinalysis were 2+ proteinuria, leukocyturia, and elevated…
Left adrenal mass, suspected functional adenocarcinoma, in a 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever
A 12-year-old FS Labrador Retriever, currently being treated with Rimadyl and Tramadol for chronic swollen hocks, was presented for PU/PD and urine leaking urine that had not responded to Proin (phenylpropanalamine). CBC was within normal limits. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were elevated ALT and ALP activity. Adrenal function testing showed elevated urine cortisol: creatinine ratio,…
Suppurative, necrotizing pancreatitis, diagnosed on US-guided FNA, in a 10 year old FS diabetic Schnauzer
This 10-year-old diabetic FS Miniature Schnauzer was presented for a 3 week history of not doing right with progressive anorexia and occasional vomiting. The patient had been treated with NSAIDs for the prior 3 months for orthopedic issues. The physical exam revealed slightly tacky mucous membranes and mild abdominal pain. The CBC and blood analysis…