Splenic hyperplasia in a 12 year old MN DSH cat with a history of intestinal adenocarcinoma

Splenic hyperplasia in a 12 year old MN DSH cat with a history of intestinal adenocarcinoma

A 12 year NM DSH with a history of intestinal adenocarcinoma was presented for lipoma staging and to check the abdomen for metastasis. Survey thoracic radiographs and blood work were within normal limits.

Suspect pancreatic carcinoma in a 15 year old FS Mixed breed dog

A 15-year-old FS mixed breed dog with a history of being Ehrlichia positive, hypothyroid, having a grade 2 mast cell tumor, and a tumor on the right rear leg, was presented for evaluation of diarrhea and decreased appetite. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were mild anemia, elevated amylase, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperglobulinemia.

Prostatic abscess, drained with ultrasound guidance, in a 11 year old MN Bichon Frise

An 11-year-old MN Bichon Frise was presented for persistent hematuria despite treatment with antibiotics. The dog had a previous history of prostatic carcinoma diagnosed 1 year prior that had been treated with misosprostal and piroxicam. On physical examination the prostate was unchanged in size since the last visit and the rest of the abdomen was…

Pancreatic and small intestinal lymphoma in a 12 year old FS DLH cat

A 12-year-old FS DLH was presented for anorexia, inappetance, and weight loss for one week. She has history of a previously diagnosed intestinal neoplasm. The patient’s physical examination revealed an unkempt hair coat, a low body score of 2, and palpable 1-2 cm mid and caudal abdominal tissue masses. CBC was within normal limits and…

Lymphoma diagnosed by Tru-cut biopsy of mesenteric lymph nodes in a pruritic 2 year old Labrador Retriever

A 2-year-old FS Labrador Retriever was presented for the evaluation of pruritus and being more affectionate (clingy) than usual. The dog had a previous history of a histiocytoma and Lyme disease which had been treated. Generalized areas consisting of collarettes and seborrhea were present on her dorsum. Samples obtained for a fungal assay were negative….

Mast cell disease diagnosed by FNA of mesenteric lymph nodes in a 9 year old MN DSH cat

A 9-year-old MN DSH was presented for the evaluation of lethargy, and vomiting. The cat had been previously diagnosed with multiple cutaneous mast cell tumors. He also had a history of receiving Depo-medrol injections. The cat was febrile and had a painful abdomen on palpation. Previous blood work had shown an elevation of the ALT…

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and extramedullary hematopoeisis diagnosed on splenic FNA in a 10 year old MN Golden Retriever

A 10 year old NM Golden Retriever was presented with a history of systemic hypertension, emerging pulmonary hypertension, and mitral insufficiency, which was being managed with 2.5 mg amlodipine once a day. A soft tissue sarcoma had been removed previously from the dog’s back. Arrhythmia, multiple soft movable subcutaneous masses, weight loss, and muscle wasting…

Prostatic carcinoma diagnosed by FNA in a 11 year old MN Cocker Spaniel dog

A 11 year old NM Cocker Spaniel with a history of cystadenocarcinoma and persistently increased microalbuminuria was presented with a mass on the right toe. FNA cytology showed atypical epithelial cells and, on biopsy, an adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. Prostatomegaly was present on physical examination. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, low albumin/globulin ratio, elevated…

Cholelithiasis in a 14 year old FS Miniature Schnauzer dog

A 14-year-old FS Miniature Schnauzer with history of diabetes, seizures, and squamous cell carcinoma of right hind paw (5th digit amputated), was presented for decreased appetite, defecating in house, and vomiting. Physical exam was unremarkable. Patient was admitted for I.V. fluid therapy and nursing care. Blood chemistry revealed hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypochloremia, elevated Alkaline Phosphatase,…

Intestinal Lymphosarcoma in a 9 year old FS Golden Retriever dog

This 9-year-old FS Golden Retriever dog had a 3 year history of alimentary lymphoma that was in complete remission following a CHOP chemotherapy protocol. The patient presented with vomiting and melena. Blood analysis demonstrated mild regenerative anemia.

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