Mitral Valve Repair in a 12-Year-Old FS Yorkshire Terrier Mixed Breed: Our Case Of the Month December 2017

Mitral Valve Repair in a 12-Year-Old FS Yorkshire Terrier Mixed Breed: Our Case Of the Month December 2017

The patient was presented for a pre-surgical cardiac evaluation. The patient was suffering from a rapidly progressing degenerative mitral valve. At the time of presentation the patient was on a regimen of Furosemide (8mg/kg/SID), Pimobendan (0.25 mg/kg/BID), Benazepril (0.25 mg/kg/SID), and Spironolactone (2mg/kg/SID). Despite her treatments, she was still experiencing exercise intolerance, mildly increased resting…

Gastric neoplasia with likely liver metastases in a 12 year old FS Maltese

This 12 year old FS Maltese dog has a history of chronic vomiting and weight loss, mitral and tricuspid insufficiency and dental disease. Mild pain on abdominal palpation. 

RAD – Cardiomegaly and hyperperfusion of the lung in a 12 year old FS Maltese dog

This 12 year old FS Maltese dog presented with morning time anxiety, panting and attention seeking behavior (demanding and pawing to be held). Hx of mitral valve disease with compensation on echo (no heart meds). CCL rupture LH not repaired but current instability in LH with positive drawer and thrust. Physical Exam: BCS 7/9 4/6…

Mitral insufficiency in an 11 year old FS Dachshund

An 11-year-old FS Dachshund was presented for evaluation of mitral insufficiency.

Left adrenal mass in a 13 year old FS Shih Tzu dog

A 13-year-old FS Shih Tzu dog was presented for a growth on the right flank and increased appetite. Previous echocardiography had shown mild mitral regurgitation, and mild but compensated tricuspid valve regurgitation. Abnormalities on physical examination were a growth on the right flank, a growth on the right eye, and generalized alopecia. No abnormalities were…

15-00035 Lacey P Dilated cardiomyopathy —NEEDS CDX—NO IMAGES—

A 12 year old FS Irish Terrier was presented. A mitral regurgitation was noted on previous echo. The patient is coughing and is administered Lasix 20 mg bid.

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and extramedullary hematopoeisis diagnosed on splenic FNA in a 10 year old MN Golden Retriever

A 10 year old NM Golden Retriever was presented with a history of systemic hypertension, emerging pulmonary hypertension, and mitral insufficiency, which was being managed with 2.5 mg amlodipine once a day. A soft tissue sarcoma had been removed previously from the dog’s back. Arrhythmia, multiple soft movable subcutaneous masses, weight loss, and muscle wasting…

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