Lymphoma diagnosed by Tru-cut biopsy of mesenteric lymph nodes in a pruritic 2 year old Labrador Retriever

Lymphoma diagnosed by Tru-cut biopsy of mesenteric lymph nodes in a pruritic 2 year old Labrador Retriever

A 2-year-old FS Labrador Retriever was presented for the evaluation of pruritus and being more affectionate (clingy) than usual. The dog had a previous history of a histiocytoma and Lyme disease which had been treated. Generalized areas consisting of collarettes and seborrhea were present on her dorsum. Samples obtained for a fungal assay were negative….

Cardiac mass and pericardial effusion with tamponade in a 12 year old MN Golden Retriever

A 12-year-old neutered male Golden retriever dog with history of Lyme disease was presented for acute onset lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia. On physical examination, the dog’s mucous membranes were slightly pale but with a normal CRT. An arrhythmia could be ausculted. The dog’s abdomen was tender and doughy on palpation, and he was marginally dehydrated….

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