Pleural effusion and possible carcinomatosis with mineralizing liver mass in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

Pleural effusion and possible carcinomatosis with mineralizing liver mass in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

A 14-year-old SF DSH with a history of weight loss, hyperthyroidism, and hypertension was presented for respiratory distress and pleural effusion. Systolic blood pressure was 210.

Bladder mass in a 15 year old MN DSH cat with inappropriate urination behavior

A 15-year-old MN DSH was presented on emergency for a one year history of increasing inappropriate urination as well as straining to urinate or defecate. The cat also had a medical history of reanl issues (resolved), hyperthyroidism, and constipation. Abnormalities on physical examination included pyrexia (103.2В°), tachycardia, tachypnea, muscle wasting dorsally, and a soft non-painful bladder….

Nodular pancreas and ascites in a 10 year old MN DSH cat

This 10-year-old MN DSH cat with controlled hyperthyroidism presented for partial anorexia, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal distension as noted by the owner. The physical exam confirmed a non-painful abdominal swelling, atrophy of the lumbar musculature, and a poor haircoat. Palpation was normal except for the suspicion of ascites. The CBC at the time of presentation…

Intestinal lymphoma in a 14 year old MN DSH cat

A 14-year-old neutered male DSH cat, previously managed for hyperthyroidism, was presented for chronic soft stool and weight loss with decreased appetite. The physical exam revealed diffusely thickened small intestine, cachexia, and mild dehydration. The CBC showed moderate leukocytosis with a left shift, elevated monocytes, and elevated eosinophils. Blood chemistry demonstrated mildly elevated amylase and…

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in a 14 year old MN DSH Cat

A 14-year-old MN DSH was presented due to the development of a voracious appetite and restlessness. The cat was previously diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and previous serum biochemical changes included hyolesterolemia and hyperlipasemia. CBCs and urinalyses were normal. On physical exam, the patient was tachycardic and a low grade heart murmur was auscultated, in addition to…

Mast Cell Neoplasia in a 15 year old MN DSH cat

This 15-year-old MN controlled hyperthyroid DSH was presented for hyporexia, diarrhea, and hiding. The physical exam revealed poor body condition and palpably ropey intestines. The CBC was normal while the blood chemistry analysis revealed subnormal thyroid levels and mild azotemia. The urinalysis was normal other than mild evidence of UTI.

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