Severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 2 year old MN DSH cat

Severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 2 year old MN DSH cat

A 2-year-old MN DSH cat with history of a heart murmur was presented for acute onset dragging of the right hind leg. Abnormalities on physical examination were knuckling of the right rear paw, dragging of the leg, a cool foot pad, tachypnea, and a grade II/VI murmur. Bloodwork was within normal limits. On thoracic radiographs,…

Colonic mass in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

A 14-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for the evaluation of anorexia, diarrhea and rectal bleeding. The cat also had a 2-year history of obstipation for which she was receiving lactulose on a regular basis, as well as a grade III/VI systolic murmur and renal disease. Blood chemistry and CBC were unremarkable. T4 was within…

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