Mast cell disease diagnosed by FNA of mesenteric lymph nodes in a 9 year old MN DSH cat

Mast cell disease diagnosed by FNA of mesenteric lymph nodes in a 9 year old MN DSH cat

A 9-year-old MN DSH was presented for the evaluation of lethargy, and vomiting. The cat had been previously diagnosed with multiple cutaneous mast cell tumors. He also had a history of receiving Depo-medrol injections. The cat was febrile and had a painful abdomen on palpation. Previous blood work had shown an elevation of the ALT…

Gallbladder mucocele in a 12 year old FS Beagle dog

A 12-year-old FS Beagle was presented with a history of having elevated liver enzyme activity and recent onset of anorexia and acute onset of vomiting. Physical examination was within normal limits. Abnormalities on CBC and blood chemistry were leukocytosis and worsening ALP and ALT activity.

Chronic portal hepatitis and fibrosis in a 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog

A 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog was presented with a history of mildly elevated liver enzymes and weight loss. The clinical exam was unremarkable other than sub normal body weight.

Primary brachial plexus soft tissue osteosarcoma with liver metastasis in a 11 year old MN Welsh Corgi dog

An 11-year-old MN Welsh Corgi dog with history of elevated liver enzyme activity (treated with Denamarin for three weeks), a nerve sheath tumor in right axilla that had been diagnosed on MRI, and more recently had developed an open hygroma on the left elbow, was presented for recheck blood work. Current therapy was gabapentin, steroids,…

Hepatocellular carcinoma in a 10 year old MN Maltese mix dog

A 10-year-old MN Maltese mix dog with a history of chronic elevated liver enzyme activity was presented for polyuria/polydipsia and inappropriate urination at home. Abnormalities on physical examination were a palpably enlarged liver, stenotic left ear canal, left submandibular lymphadenomegaly, and a 2-pound weight loss. Urinalysis showed normal pH and specific gravity, 3+ proteinuria, 3+…

Portosystemic shunt in a 6 year old MN Shih Tzu dog

A 6-year-old MN Shih Tzu dog with history of cystotomy and increased liver enzymes, presented for Bile Acids panel. Markedly elevated pre prandial and markedly elevated post prandial results.

Acute Transmural Enteritis from Perforation in a 13 year old FS Cockapoo dog

This 13-year-old FS Cockapoo was presented for vomiting and diarrhea with mild anorexia. The clinical exam was normal except for mild mid abdominal discomfort on palpation. Body temperature was normal. The CBC revealed a mild regenerative anemia and moderate leukocytosis with a left shift. Blood chemistry analysis revealed moderately elevated SAP and mildly elevated amylase…

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