Rads: Severe Bronchopneumonia, Lungworm most likely in a 7 month old MN DSH cat
History of respiratory issues (dyspnea, frequent small breaths). Physical Exam: Normal, mild gingivitis noted. CBC: neutrophils elevated 24,000.
Right adrenal mass in a 7 year old FS ferret
The patient is a 7 year old female spayed ferret. This animal had a history of enlarged mammary glands, a possible abdominal mass, and intermittent dypsnea. Ferret had been on Lupron injections monthly for over a year.
Septic suppurative pericarditis in a 13 year old FS DSH cat with diabetes
This 13- year-old DSH FS cat presented for lethargy, anorexia and tachypnea. The patient has a history of diabetes, labored breathing, weakness in the hind limbs, and anemia. Blood work revealed a hematocrit of 25.4%, BUN of 61, and a WBC count of 35000 with monocytosis. Urine specific gravity was 1.022. Chest radiographs revealed severe…
Pneumonia diagnosed by FNA of consolidated lung in a 7 year old FS German Shepherd Dog
A 7-year-old FS German Shepherd with history of treatment for undiagnosed illness was presented for evaluation of considerable weight loss, weakness, lethargy, coughing up bile, anorexia, not urinating and not defecating. Current therapy was prednisone, sucralfate, and tramadol. Abnormalities on physical examination were weakness and labored breathing. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were moderately elevated ALP…