Rads: Generalized Chondroid Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Post Hemilaminectomy in a 13 year old MN Dachshund dog
The patient presented to the ER service for progressive intermittent head tremors, lethargy and anorexia. Previous history of hemilaminectomy (right, T12-13) in June 2008; owners are pursing a second opinion as this may be a neurologic issue, especially since signs are progressively worsening. Recovery good from hemilaminectomy, although there has been some mild, residual HL…
Renal mass in a 12 year old FS German Shorthaired Pointer
A 12-year-old SF German Shorthaired Pointer dog was presented for evaluation of weight loss and poor appetite.
Duodenal infiltration, suspect neoplasia 12 Year Old FS mixed breed dog
A 12 year old FS mixed breed dog was presented for chronic intermittent vomiting and decreased appetite (will only eat a liquefied diet.) Additional history was right-sided coxo-femoral luxation. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were leukocytosis with a left shift, elevated BUN, elevatedALP, and elevated ALT. On survey radiographs an opacity in the cranial…
Gastric lymphoma, diagnosed on U/S guided FNA, in a 12 year old FS DSH cat
A 12-year-old spayed female DSH cat was presented for evaluation of decreased appetite. Abnormalities on physical examination included weight loss and a possible abdominal mass on palpation. CBC showed neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia.
Lymphoma with amyloid deposition in a 15 year old FS DSH cat
A 15-year-old FS DSH with was presented for decreased appetite and lethargy with a history of hypoalbuminemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia. On physical examination weight loss, pyrexia, dehydration, icterus, and a grade III/VI heart murmur were present. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were leukocytosis with a mature neutrophilia, monocytosis, non-regenerative anemia, azotemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia.
Pancreatic and small intestinal lymphoma in a 12 year old FS DLH cat
A 12-year-old FS DLH was presented for anorexia, inappetance, and weight loss for one week. She has history of a previously diagnosed intestinal neoplasm. The patient’s physical examination revealed an unkempt hair coat, a low body score of 2, and palpable 1-2 cm mid and caudal abdominal tissue masses. CBC was within normal limits and…
Lymphoma in an 11 year old FS DSH cat
An 11-year-old FS DSH cat was presented with a history of hemorrhagic diarrhea. After changing the diet and starting a course of metronidazole the pet became constipated. Additional history was that there had been loss of appetite and weight loss over a few months. Abnormalities on CBC and blood chemistry were monocytosis and elevated liver…
Lymphoma, eosinophilic lymphadenitis, and eosinophilic enteritis in a 12 year old FS DSH cat
A 12-year-old FS DSH was presented for vomiting for several months, inappetence, and weight loss. On survey radiographs, a possible thickened stomach wall was identified.
Severe hydronephrosis; ureteral lithiasis in an 18 year old FS DSH cat
An 18-year-old FS DSH was presented for decreased appetite, weight loss, and polyuria/polydipsia. Abnormalities on physical examination were possibly deafness, unkempt haircoat, weight loss, nuclear sclerosis and iris atrophy in both eyes, thickened bowel loops on abdominal palpation, and palpable thyroid enlargement on the right side. Bacterial UTI was present on urinalysis and blood work…
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