Elevated Liver enzymes in a 13 year old MN DSH
A 13-year-old NM DSH with a history of urinaty bladder atony and constipation was presented for evaluation of elevated liver enzyme activity (ALT 421, ALP 314). Current therapy was bethanechol, prazosin, buprenorphine, denamarin, and miralax. The only abnormality on urinalysis was bilirubin crystals. Radiograph Findings: large bladder/constipated
RAD – Osteoporosis, functional ileus, bronchointerstitial lung pattern, possible nephropathy in a 14 year old MN DSH cat
This 14 year old MN DSH cat has a history of colonic obstruction from the summer of 2015; bloodwork wnl at that time. Within the last month cat has developed moderate brown ocular and oral discharge, nasal wheezing on inspiration, mild weight loss. Heart and lungs ausculted normally. Has been on azithromycin x 7 days…
Pyogranulomatous inflammation of enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes in a 15 year old MN DSH cat
A 15-year-old MN DSH with history of constipation and inappropriate defecation was presented for lethargy, decreased appetite, and hypersalivation. Physical examination was limited due to the aggressive nature of the patient. The owner was advised to add a second litter box to the house and monitor his behavior. The patient presented a month later for…
Bladder mass in a 15 year old MN DSH cat with inappropriate urination behavior
A 15-year-old MN DSH was presented on emergency for a one year history of increasing inappropriate urination as well as straining to urinate or defecate. The cat also had a medical history of reanl issues (resolved), hyperthyroidism, and constipation. Abnormalities on physical examination included pyrexia (103.2В°), tachycardia, tachypnea, muscle wasting dorsally, and a soft non-painful bladder….
03_00163 Tucker S Lymphoma
A 14 year old FS DSH with a history of constipation was presented with anorexia and intermittent episodes of diarrhea and obstipation. The patient was still drinking, but was less active and had been losing weight. The cat was dehydrated and a heart murmur was auscultated upon examination. Thrombocytopenia was present on the CBC. Blood…
Colonic mass in a 14 year old FS DSH cat
A 14-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for the evaluation of anorexia, diarrhea and rectal bleeding. The cat also had a 2-year history of obstipation for which she was receiving lactulose on a regular basis, as well as a grade III/VI systolic murmur and renal disease. Blood chemistry and CBC were unremarkable. T4 was within…
Colonic obstipation in a 7 year old MN DSH cat
A 7-year-old MN DSH cat was presented for intermittent vomiting typified by vomiting 2-3 times a week. The patient also had a history of constipation. The physical exam revealed mild dehydration (estimated at 5%), pyrexia, a grade IV/VI heart murmur and large amounts of firm stool in the descending colon. CBC showed a neutrophilia. Blood…