Prostatic mass, likely carcinoma, in a 9 year old MN mixed breed dog
A 9-year-old NM canine mix was presented for evaluation of hematuria and urinating in the house that has not responded to a course of Baytril. Red and white blood cells were evident on urinalysis.
Renal dysplasia in a 2 year old MN Shetland Sheepdog
A 2-year-old neutered male Sheltie dog was presented for evaluation of renal disease. An inappropriate urine specific gravity was present on urinalysis, urine culture was negative, and elevated creatinine was evident on laboratory testing. The patient was also lethargic, despite a 2 week course of antibiotics, and his systolic BP was 130.
Prostatic abscess, drained with ultrasound guidance, in a 11 year old MN Bichon Frise
An 11-year-old MN Bichon Frise was presented for persistent hematuria despite treatment with antibiotics. The dog had a previous history of prostatic carcinoma diagnosed 1 year prior that had been treated with misosprostal and piroxicam. On physical examination the prostate was unchanged in size since the last visit and the rest of the abdomen was…
03-00121 Freddie L —–NEEDS BX RESULTS—
A 5-year-old M dog on current therapy with Atopica, Reglan, and recently discontinued Amoxicillin and Metronidazole, was presented for a recheck liver profile. (Need presenting history). Blood chemistry showed hyperphosphatasemia, and elevated, ALT and GGTP activity.
Urethral obstruction, concurrent pleural effusion, and cranial mediastinal mass in a 10 year old MN DSH cat
A 10-year-old MN DSH with history of urinary blockage was presented for urethral obstruction. The cat had recently been unblocked and was currently on antibiotics. On physical examination the urinary bladder was distended, turgid, and non-expressible. The patient was treated with intravenous fluids and was unblocked. Five small stones were produced. Survey radiographs showed the…
Hepatocutaneous syndrome in a 9 year old FS Yorkshire Terrier with alopecia and crusting foot pads
A 9-year-old FS Yorkshire Terrier was presented for evaluation of a dermatitis characterized by thick crusts involving the pads of all four limbs, as well as the trunk. The crusts were thick and firmly adhered to the underlying dermis. The dog also had hyperkeratosis of the nasal planum, dermatitis of the upper lips and perianal…