Intestinal Carcinoma with Foreign Body Perforation in a 12 year old FS German Shepherd mix dog

Intestinal Carcinoma with Foreign Body Perforation in a 12 year old FS German Shepherd mix dog

This 12-year-old FS German shepherd mix dog presented for anorexia, occasional vomiting over a 2-week period, and mild weight loss. A CBC and blood chemistry profile revealed mild neutrophilia and a mild ALT and SAP elevations.

Chronic enteritis in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

This 14-year-old FS DSH presented for anorexia, occasional vomiting, and weight loss. CBC and blood chemistry analysis were normal.

Intestinal adenocarcinoma and mural abscess in a 10 year old FS Siamese cat

This 10-year-old spayed female Siamese cat presented for anorexia and mild weight loss. Mild dehydration was noted, with a palpable upper intestinal thickening on physical exam. CBC demonstrated a mild leukocytosis with a left shift. Blood chemistry was essentially normal, with only mildly elevated lipase and mildly elevated CPK.

Biliary cyst adenoma with palpable abdominal mass in a 14 year old FS DLH cat

This 14-year-old FS DLH cat was presented for a yearly clinical examination with mild anorexia. Slight weight loss was noted on physical examination, as well as a palpable abdominal mass. Mildly elevated amylase and mildly elevated free T4 were found on blood chemistry analysis. The hepatic enzymes were normal. Urinalysis was unremarkable.

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