03-00214 Cheyenne B —NEEDS DX, C—-NO IMAGES—-
A 13-year-old FS retriever cross with history of left adrenelectomy for an adrenocortical adenoma and steroid hepatopathy was presented for not doing right, polypnea, urinary incontinence, and losing his toe nails. The patient was currently on Deramaxx for DJD. On physical examination the patient was QAR, had normal heart and lung sounds, showed polypnea, and…
03_00208 Star P Ferret Inflammatory hepatopathy, reactive lymphadenitis
A 5-year-old FS ferret with prior history of left adrenalectomy was presented for annual examination. Abnormalities on CBC and mammalian chemistry were a low HCT, elevated alkaline phosphatase, low phosphorus, and hypoglycemia. The patient was treated with Lactulose, Milk Thistle, and Nutrived.