Has anyone seen the my Cistern of Chyle? Now, where did I put that thing?

Sonopath Forum

Has anyone seen the my Cistern of Chyle? Now, where did I put that thing?

Hi all fellow sonographers or interested veterinary personnel! Interesting case: -12 yo MN FEL DSH with weight loss -normal blood work -some hx of vomiting   Ultrasound revealed mid-jejunal mass with loss of layering, coarse liver, slightly enlarged spleen AND a very unusual mid aortic configuration. Jejunal mass The mid aorta had a predominantly fluid filled? area encircling the dorsal aspect.? It ran the length of the aorta from the celiac artery take-off to just above the trifurcation.? There was tissue in the distal end. Color AO with fluid Having seen this on? the human side of things I thought this could be an aortic dissection as the aorta was intact but there are usually no nodes or other fluid seen along the spine. Patient went to surgery but had high grade lymphoma infiltrated into liver, spleen, GI.? Patient was euthanized on the table. Histopath showed the fluid area around the the aorta to be infiltrated? Cistern of Chyle.   Color flow of aorta [wpvideo O91kbzv0]   [wpvideo pU9i0Hyp] Has anyone come across this configuration before? Thanks!? Tomie  


Eric Lindquist CEO/Founder SonoPath.com

Way Cool Tomie!! Jejunal mass would make me think lymphoma with lymphatic obstruction and dilation of the lymphatics. I am wondering why it did this instead of just 3rd spacing transudate like most lymphatic obstruction cases do…. i.e. lymphomatosis & carcinomatosis..

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