Hi everyone!
Just wondering if anyone has seen a gallbladder like this?
A 14 y.o fox terrierX with lethargy and inappetance. Blood work showed high liver enzymes; ALT 748 IU/L, ALP 7962 IU/L, AST 158 IU/L and GGT of 31 IU/L. The abdominal ultrasound interpretation: peritonitis vs primary peritoneal carcinomatosis(severely hyperehcoic fat with free fluid) and abnormal liver parenchyma(irregular margins, loss of architecture and coarsed echotexture).
Hi everyone!
Just wondering if anyone has seen a gallbladder like this?
A 14 y.o fox terrierX with lethargy and inappetance. Blood work showed high liver enzymes; ALT 748 IU/L, ALP 7962 IU/L, AST 158 IU/L and GGT of 31 IU/L. The abdominal ultrasound interpretation: peritonitis vs primary peritoneal carcinomatosis(severely hyperehcoic fat with free fluid) and abnormal liver parenchyma(irregular margins, loss of architecture and coarsed echotexture).
I believe the gall bladder was an incidental finding and was wondering if it could be a congenital multiseptated gall bladder?
Yuck looks like thats a wall
Yuck looks like thats a wall rupture see the local free fluid and inflammatory pattern next to it?
Needs sx asap. Please upload sx photos if you can.
Hi Eric!
Thanks for the
Hi Eric!
Thanks for the reply. It is interesting you mentioned gall bladder rupture as i was wondering if a ruptured gall bladder can look like that? That being said, the inflammed fat and free fluid was diffused throughout the abdomen, not just next to the gall bladder hence i wasnt 100% convinced. I did suggest to do an ex-lap but owner didn’t want to do surgery and patient got euthanased.
so..I thought to post this to find out what makes this gall bladder appearance.