Follow up recommendations for asymptomatic PKD cats

Sonopath Forum

Follow up recommendations for asymptomatic PKD cats

I am putting together a list of follow up recommendations for 2 young (1 and 1/2 year old), asymptomatic Persian cats with bilateral polycystic kidney disease.  At this point in time, the cortical cysts are small (<0.6cm) and there is ample normal renal tissue still present.  I would like to hear other people’s thoughts on diagnostic tests and how often.  This is what I am recommending so far:

I am putting together a list of follow up recommendations for 2 young (1 and 1/2 year old), asymptomatic Persian cats with bilateral polycystic kidney disease.  At this point in time, the cortical cysts are small (<0.6cm) and there is ample normal renal tissue still present.  I would like to hear other people’s thoughts on diagnostic tests and how often.  This is what I am recommending so far:

  • twice yearly physical exams
  • urinalysis +/- urine culture q. 6 months
  • renal blood panel q. 6 months
  • full blood chemistries yearly
  • abdominal ultrasound q. 12 months

Then, once in renal failure, the usual:  blood pressure measurements, prescription diet, anti-ulcers, fluids, etc.

I am looking forward to hearing to what you all have to say .  Thank you!




I would also add blood
I would also add blood pressure determination at each visit and urine microalbuminuria if urine culture is negative.


I would also add blood
I would also add blood pressure determination at each visit and urine microalbuminuria if urine culture is negative.


Sounds good. Thanks!
Sounds good. Thanks!


Sounds good. Thanks!
Sounds good. Thanks!


Looks like you guys have it
Looks like you guys have it covered. Occasionally I have drained cysts and cultured that had concurrent uti. And diet may change depending on concurrent nephrolithiasis as well. When they fail i usually see them dealing with uti, obstructive calculi, hypertension and so forth. We can only manage the non pkd issues that come up unfortunately but sometimes its those that send them over the edge.


Looks like you guys have it
Looks like you guys have it covered. Occasionally I have drained cysts and cultured that had concurrent uti. And diet may change depending on concurrent nephrolithiasis as well. When they fail i usually see them dealing with uti, obstructive calculi, hypertension and so forth. We can only manage the non pkd issues that come up unfortunately but sometimes its those that send them over the edge.


Thanks for your input, Eric!
Thanks for your input, Eric!


Thanks for your input, Eric!
Thanks for your input, Eric!

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