ORTHO – Normal ultrasound of the shoulder musculature and tendons in a 5 year old FS Wire-haired Pointing Griffon with lameness

ORTHO – Normal ultrasound of the shoulder musculature and tendons in a 5 year old FS Wire-haired Pointing Griffon with lameness

This 5 year old FS Wireharied Pointing Griffon dog presented with Grade I/V right thoracic limb lameness in the exam room; video provided by owners revealed a grade III-IV/V lameness. Intermittent lameness since 2014. Off weights the right thoracic limb while standing. All joints of the thoracic limbs had normal range of motion and no…

CT and RAD – Mild bilateral hip dysplasia with disuse muscle atrophy in a 2 year old MN Dachshund mix dog

This 1.5 year old MN Dachshund mix dog presented with an abnormal gait – “skips” with left hind leg.

CT – Normal CT of the cervical spine post trauma with pain and ambulatory deficits in a puppy

History of trauma (falling off bed); febrile, lethargic, anorexic, unable to stand – holds body in a C-shape.  Physical exam: thin. Non ambulatory, very painful when neck is manipulated, dulled mentation. CBC/Chem: HCT 25.3, HGB 6.9, Retic 4.8, PLT 105; Na 173, Cl 127, NH3 wnl

RAD – Decompensating cardiomyopathy and vascular lung pattern in a 8 year old FS Persian cat

The patient is a 8 year old FS Persian cat presented for not being ambulatory on her front legs.

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