04-00430 Keller W Gastric FB——NEED CDX——-

Splenic torsion in a dog: A Forum post thread

In case you’ve never seen a splenic torsion, this is what they look like. This one was interesting in that it was a partial torsion. The head of the spleen was completely dead and avascular and the tail still had relatively normal flow and the middle had very weak flow with thrombi in the splenic…

03_00333 Lilo W Ruptured GB

A 9-year-old SF Labrador with a history of eating marrowbones was initially presented for acute diarrhea that responded to feeding a bland diet. Three days later, she was presented with injected mucus membranes, dehydration, and slightly painful abdomen. Blood work showed mildly elevated ALP activity and cholesterol. Survey radiographs showed a diffuse loss of abdominal…

04_00402 Cowboy P Gastrojejunal FB

A 3-year-old NM Border cross with a history of eating socks was presented emaciated,  7% dehydrated, and painful on palpation.  Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were neutrophilia, mild hyperglycemia, and low sodium, chloride, and potassium.

Peripancreatic sponge foreign body in a 3 year old MN Pointer **April 2013 COM**

A 3-year-old neutered male Pointer cross dog was presented for vomiting/diarrhea. Endoscopy of the stomach and duodenum was within normal limits. Blood work was unremarkable, but palpation of the cranial abdomen revealed some discomfort.  

04_00388 Adrian H Colonic stricture

The patient is a canine Yorkie, SF, 11 years, 7.7 lbs. Very painful cranial abdomen, sudden onset of vomiting. PE: Extremely painful and thickened intestines. Hemoconcentration, all else unremarkable. GGT- 15 (0-14) ALT-158 (0-120.)

Stump garnuloma open pyometra in a 15 month old FS Shih Tzu

A 15-month-old SF Shih Tzu dog was presented for evaluation of frequent urination and painful abdomen a few days after having an ovariohysterectomy. On physical examination the patient was depressed and had a painful caudal abdomen at the site of incision. 

Ureteral stones (calculi) with ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis in a 5 year old FS Shih-tzu dog

A 5-year-old FS Shih-tzu dog presented for intermittent vomiting one week duration, inappetance. The clinical exam revealed upper abdominal discomfort. The bloodwork revealed elevated white blood cell count and normal blood chemistry. Two radiopaque marble size structures noted on abdominal radiographs suspected to be nephroliths or intestinal foreign body. Urinalysis was pending at the time…

Peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a 2 year old FS DSH cat

A 2-year-old SF DSH cat was presented for evaluation of a 3-day history of vomiting. The only finding on physical examination was mild discomfort on abdominal palpation. Abdominal and thoracic radiographs were read out by a boarded radiologist. Report states that there is a soft tissue/fat opacity caudal to the cardiac silhouette and continuous with…

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