RAD – US – Suspected lymphoma supported by FNA/tele cytology in a 8 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog

RAD – US – Suspected lymphoma supported by FNA/tele cytology in a 8 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog

History: An 8-year-old NM Labrador Mix with a history of being on Rimadyl for 6 months was presented for evaluation of intermittent vomiting, inappetence, and lethargy for a week. On physical examination, ascites was present. Urinalysis was with reference limits. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were mild anemia (33%) and elevated ALT activity (310)….

High grade lymphomatosis in a 11 year old MN Snowshoe cat with ascites including telecytology

This 11 year old MN Snowshoe cat has a history of distended abdomen and inappetance.  Physical exam: alert and responsive, ambulatory, exploring room, not eating. thin cat. fluid filled abdomen, not painful. CBC/Chem: globulin low, K+ slightly elevated, Tbili slightly increased at 1.4

RAD – Functional gastrointestinal ileum with intestinal dilation and maldigestion pattern in a 15 year old FS DSH cat

This 15 year old FS DSH cat has a history of kidney disease and urinary stones, has been newly diagnosed diabetic. Physical Exam: distended tender abdomen. No palpable masses. Excess gas on ultrasound today. CBC: neutrophilia and lymphocytosis Chem: glucose 243  

RAD – Consolidation of the left cranial lung lobe with bilateral pleural effusion; bronchial pattern; splenomegaly in a 14 year old DSH cat

The patient is a 3-14 year old MN DSH cat presented for a second opinion; history of decreased urination, activity and appetite. Physical exam – QAR, murmur 2/6, lungs -wnl; abdomen distended and doughy CBC: RBC 3.3, HCT 5.7, Hemo 5.7,platelets 192 (all decreased) – regenerative anemia. Chemistry: TP 15.9 (H), Albumin 1.8 (Low), BUN…

Evaluating for portal vein thrombosis; a forum post.

History of regenerative anemia likely immune mediated, has an elevated ALT and ALP but has also been on prednisone. The patient had a blood transfusion and then developed ascites.Fluid collected appeared to be a modified transudate, no mass lesions, hyperechoic hepatomegaly. Concerns about possible portal vein thrombosis.

Gastric Foreign Body in a 2 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog

A 2½-year-old MN Labrador was presented for evaluation of one episode of vomiting and a distended abdomen. Abnormalities on physical examination were abdominal distension and tachycardia. CBC was within reference range; whereas low BUN, hypokalemia, and hypochloridemia were present on serum biochemistry. 4dx was negative.

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