Elevated bile acids

Sonopath Forum

Elevated bile acids

  • 6 month old Shetland Sheepdog
  • History of pu/pd 
  • Mildly elevated liver ezymes and resting bile acids (50)
  • BAST and urinalysis pending
  • Liver and kidneys seemed to be a normal size and structure
  • I could not identify a shunt, do these vessels look normal?

  • 6 month old Shetland Sheepdog
  • History of pu/pd 
  • Mildly elevated liver ezymes and resting bile acids (50)
  • BAST and urinalysis pending
  • Liver and kidneys seemed to be a normal size and structure
  • I could not identify a shunt, do these vessels look normal?



I dont see anything overtly

I dont see anything overtly abnormal. I would suggest the sdep abdomen protocol as we created it to obtain all the IH and extrahepatic shunt views.



Post prandial BA > 80 suggests shunt so you can run a full BA profile and a protein C to see how hard you need to chase it. Or CT with contrast




I must review it again thank

I must review it again thank you.