Ectopic Ureter

Sonopath Forum

  • 9 month old Female entire Golden Retriever with urinary incontinence, foul smelling urine and scalded behind
  • The scan was quite difficult as the bladder was completetly empty but I could identify an ectopic ureter, just not the normal ureteral papilla. There was also a bladder stone, suspect struvite from UTI.
    • 9 month old Female entire Golden Retriever with urinary incontinence, foul smelling urine and scalded behind
    • The scan was quite difficult as the bladder was completetly empty but I could identify an ectopic ureter, just not the normal ureteral papilla. There was also a bladder stone, suspect struvite from UTI.
    • I was scanning in right lateral recumbency and either dorsal/sagital with marker cranial or in transverse with marker to the left. The abnormal ureter was on the ‘far’ wall of the bladder so I thought it was the right side that was abnormal but when I look at the transverse videos I am now confused as to which side is affected
    • Also the left kidney appeared to have a distended ureter and reaction around the pelvis. I could not see this as well from the right but the images aren’t as clear
    • Can you tell which side is affected please?



Looks like it may be an

Looks like it may be an intramural ectopic ureter but i cant see where it ends up. IVP or CT with contrast best.


Can also do retrograde

Can also do retrograde vaginogram.