This is a 9 years old DSH that has moderatelly high BUN/Creatinine, USG 1.025. Not clinical, gaining weight, doing well. Preanesth for dental raised questions about Kidneys. US findings : LK dystrophic mineralization, irregular capsule with indentation on cortex distal pole suspect from previous infarct. To me there are small nephroliths in the pelvis but no big pelvis dilation. RK is abnormal, not sure if functional, normal in length but only ” 1 cm tall” with mineralization, minor pelvic dilation and hyperechoic pelvis. MILN is also enlarged at 0.65 cm height. Urine ( bladder) culture is pending. Trace protein only, no active sediment PH 6.5 ( suspect oxalate)
My questions :
-beside renal insufficiency, mineralization, urolith should I suspect also Pyelonephritis based on RK appearance and MILN?
-RK US apppearance can say anything in terms of function? Does this look inherited or developed?
Thank you,