5 yr MN cat; vomiting, resp. distress, lameness front limb. Rads: pul edema with atypical presentation and possible cardiomegaly. SNAP pro BNP abnormal. Echo: sever LV hypertrophy, severe LA enlargement, restrictive MV inflow pattern. Ridge of tissue extending from the LVPW to the septal base creating a double chamber effect. PG was 68mmHg (large CW probe used-gate on the mitral side of restriction as opposed to across restriction. Meds=furosemide and Clopedigrel. Is the LV tissue noted related to HCM, abnormal moderator bands or other. Would this be considered a Double chambered LV? tks
Hi Dan!
See for example J Feline Med Surg. 2016 Nov 11;9(1):56–60
This is likely a large moderator band and likely congenital. Yet, there are only a few case reports out there describing this specific morphology and it is unknown whether it adds to the progression of a second cardiac disease or causes cardiac dysfunction itself. The term “double chambered left ventricle” does – to my best knowledge – not exists.
Best wishes,
There were two separate articles by Smith and Leong respectively, i came across referring to a double chamber left ventricle.
The third article in the FJMAS by Wray referred to it as a large transverse LV moderator band. His better echo images (lol) look similar to mine and he added a post mortem cardiac pic that makes sense as well.
Thanks again for the help.