This is a 6 week old papillon that presented with a huge umbilical hernia. Soon after we placed her on US table we realized there are 2 hernias: one dyaphragmatic. I think the liver and GB goes into the pericardium, however not sure. On the last clip I can see continuation from pericardium covering the liver lobe. Do you agree?
Looks like a peritoneal
Looks like a peritoneal pericardial-diaphragmatic hernia. Can often get a better idea with survey radiographs, which will show apparent cardiomegaly.
Thank you. X-rays shows a
Thank you. X-rays shows a normal heart size. I think the liver lobe is in the pericardial sac only apical ( apex of the heart is in continuation with the liver….)We’ll see in surgery
Looks like the gb is best
Looks like the gb is best friends wiht the right atrium:)
It was pericardial –
It was pericardial – diaphragmatic hernia. Did well with sx.