Common sonographic findings in diabetic dogs

Sonopath Forum

Common sonographic findings in diabetic dogs

Just to get the opinion from everyone, what are your most common sonographic findings in the pancreas of diabetic dogs?, and if you get to scan them often in your caseload.
Just to put it out there
Have all a great week!

Just to get the opinion from everyone, what are your most common sonographic findings in the pancreas of diabetic dogs?, and if you get to scan them often in your caseload.
Just to put it out there
Have all a great week!



Here’s an image from an acute
Here’s an image from an acute on chronic yorkie that went diabetic on the post ” What Lies Beneath the Diabetes.” I think you have to rule out structural disease when diabetes starts or is non regulated…ie suppurative hepatitis, uti/pyelonephritis, occult neoplasia, splenic thrombosis, Cushing’s and so forth.


Here’s an image from an acute
Here’s an image from an acute on chronic yorkie that went diabetic on the post ” What Lies Beneath the Diabetes.” I think you have to rule out structural disease when diabetes starts or is non regulated…ie suppurative hepatitis, uti/pyelonephritis, occult neoplasia, splenic thrombosis, Cushing’s and so forth.


Right limb
Right limb pancreatitis/necrosis in an acute diabetic…yorkie of course


Right limb
Right limb pancreatitis/necrosis in an acute diabetic…yorkie of course


Thanks Eric!
I agree with

Thanks Eric!
I agree with all what you said! it is important to rule out underlying causes. I just asked because this week I had 3 cases with non regulated diabetes that had unremarkable, two of them with UTI under treatment, but otherwise unremarkable abdomen. I just wanted to be sure that Im not missing anything. 🙂 Thanks


Thanks Eric!
I agree with

Thanks Eric!
I agree with all what you said! it is important to rule out underlying causes. I just asked because this week I had 3 cases with non regulated diabetes that had unremarkable, two of them with UTI under treatment, but otherwise unremarkable abdomen. I just wanted to be sure that Im not missing anything. 🙂 Thanks


Most of my diabetics have
Most of my diabetics have normal scans , ones that are not regulated well have underling infection(urogenital) or Cushings, most of their pancreatic tissue looks normal


Most of my diabetics have
Most of my diabetics have normal scans , ones that are not regulated well have underling infection(urogenital) or Cushings, most of their pancreatic tissue looks normal


Thanks Doug, I have the same
Thanks Doug, I have the same experience as you with these cases. 🙂


Thanks Doug, I have the same
Thanks Doug, I have the same experience as you with these cases. 🙂



As I think about it I

As I think about it I actually found that I frequently in non compensated diabetic dogs, regarding the pancreas, have an hyperechoic pancreas that I imagine is fatty infiltration (most of these animals are obese…). Does anyone else see that or is it just me?



As I think about it I

As I think about it I actually found that I frequently in non compensated diabetic dogs, regarding the pancreas, have an hyperechoic pancreas that I imagine is fatty infiltration (most of these animals are obese…). Does anyone else see that or is it just me?


See it often yes and as I
See it often yes and as I recall uniform non painful hyperechoic pancreas can be fibrosis, amyloid, fat…. anyone have histpath on these?


See it often yes and as I
See it often yes and as I recall uniform non painful hyperechoic pancreas can be fibrosis, amyloid, fat…. anyone have histpath on these?


Just did this one today in a
Just did this one today in a 16 yr old Yorkie which is of course a diabetic breed. But I see this hyperechoic pancreas often in Yorkies schnauzers and many terrier breeds. This one happened to have a presumed pheo adrenal mass on the right side but not related and was not diabetic. But this is the pancreatic presentation we are discussing. Anyone have histopath on this presentation?


Just did this one today in a
Just did this one today in a 16 yr old Yorkie which is of course a diabetic breed. But I see this hyperechoic pancreas often in Yorkies schnauzers and many terrier breeds. This one happened to have a presumed pheo adrenal mass on the right side but not related and was not diabetic. But this is the pancreatic presentation we are discussing. Anyone have histopath on this presentation?


I haven’t done any
I haven’t done any histopathology, The only way to FNA or Biopsy is from my own pocket…..
But I see it often not only i diabetics, a I said and I do think it’s benign. Let’s see what other say.


I haven’t done any
I haven’t done any histopathology, The only way to FNA or Biopsy is from my own pocket…..
But I see it often not only i diabetics, a I said and I do think it’s benign. Let’s see what other say.


Lost the upload on the image
Lost the upload on the image owing to server transfer but here is that hyperechoic pancreas in the Yorkie I was discussing before. No signs of pancreatic disease but I think this is what caroline is talking about.


Lost the upload on the image
Lost the upload on the image owing to server transfer but here is that hyperechoic pancreas in the Yorkie I was discussing before. No signs of pancreatic disease but I think this is what caroline is talking about.

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