Colon Mass

Sonopath Forum

Shiloh is a 12YO  FS  Schnauzer

Shiloh is a 12YO  FS  Schnauzer

  • presented for PU/PD and on thyroid supplementation. 
  • Chemistry/CBC/Lytes/T4 are WNLs
  • ultrasound requested to r/o PDH
  • a mass (4cm x 5 cm) with a functional blood vessel was visualized in the mid caudal abd
  • I could not sonographically connect this mass to the adjacent spleen or colon.
  • FNA declined in favor of exploratory. An abdominal exploratory revealed that this mass orginates from the serosal layer of the descending colon
  •  The mass was removed and patient doing fine
  • histopath : Low-grade leiomyoma

Thought I would share this interesting case where ultrasound at best can show location but not orgination.   Any comments?

How soon should I recommend an abdominal ultrasound recheck?



Tom if you look closely


Tom if you look closely at the mass there is a hyperechoic line running through the near field of the mass at about 1.2 cm depth in the first image. This is the residual colonic wall. In Gi masses you can always follow the residual wall or lumen through the mass as it will be contiguous driving it from pathology to mass. Colon can be tough like in this one because the colonic wall is so thing but its there.

See the 2 images from colonic masses I read through the sonopath telemed service for Doug Casey dvm dabvp english bay ultrasound-Vancouver. The long arrows indicate the hypoechoic mass and the hyperechoic lumen indicated by the small arrows. In the annular mass you can see in the near field (shortest arrow) a thin hyperechoic line and thats the colonic wall…or whats left of it.

Follow the lines and it will take you to eternal consciousness-Dali Sonographer:)

Good case and thx for the post


Tom if you look closely


Tom if you look closely at the mass there is a hyperechoic line running through the near field of the mass at about 1.2 cm depth in the first image. This is the residual colonic wall. In Gi masses you can always follow the residual wall or lumen through the mass as it will be contiguous driving it from pathology to mass. Colon can be tough like in this one because the colonic wall is so thing but its there.

See the 2 images from colonic masses I read through the sonopath telemed service for Doug Casey dvm dabvp english bay ultrasound-Vancouver. The long arrows indicate the hypoechoic mass and the hyperechoic lumen indicated by the small arrows. In the annular mass you can see in the near field (shortest arrow) a thin hyperechoic line and thats the colonic wall…or whats left of it.

Follow the lines and it will take you to eternal consciousness-Dali Sonographer:)

Good case and thx for the post


Just to be sure I am


Just to be sure I am looking at the same line you are…..I uploaded a still of the first clip with labels.  Is this the line to follow connecting mass to serosal layering?



Just to be sure I am


Just to be sure I am looking at the same line you are…..I uploaded a still of the first clip with labels.  Is this the line to follow connecting mass to serosal layering?



The 2 near field arrows yes.

The 2 near field arrows yes. the far field arrows are serosa


Got it.  Thanks Eric 🙂

Got it.  Thanks Eric 🙂


The 2 near field arrows yes.

The 2 near field arrows yes. the far field arrows are serosa


Got it.  Thanks Eric 🙂

Got it.  Thanks Eric 🙂


My pleasure

My pleasure


My pleasure

My pleasure

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