Valvular pulmonic stenosis in a 5 month old Miniature Australian Shepherd

Case Study

Valvular pulmonic stenosis in a 5 month old Miniature Australian Shepherd

This 5 month old Miniature Australian Shepherd presented with a loud systolic murmur with palpable thrill; audible bilaterally with PMI left hemithorax. 

This 5 month old Miniature Australian Shepherd presented with a loud systolic murmur with palpable thrill; audible bilaterally with PMI left hemithorax. 


Valvular pulmonic stenosis

Image Interpretation

The tricuspid valve appears mildly thickened (normal mobility) with trace insufficiency seen. Mild to moderate right atrial dilation. SEVERE right ventricular hypertrophy and remodeling indicative of pressure overload. Moderate right ventricular dilation. Marked elevation of pulmonic outflow velocities at the level of the valve; up to 4.6m/s. Fusion and decreased mobility of the pulmonic valve leaflets indicative of a valvular stenosis. There is significant post-stenotic dilation of the main pulmonary artery. Mild pulmonic insufficiency.


The degree of obstruction is severe
based upon the velocity/pressure gradient across the valve and the secondary hypertrophy and
remodeling of the right ventricle. There also trace tricuspid regurgitation present, and mild right
atrial dilation. No other congenital abnormalities were visualized, however small shunts or
defects can be difficult to identify without a sedated bubble study.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Guiness Tinsley/AS/Q Street
Gender : Male, Intact
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 15_00228

Exam Finding

  • Heart Murmur


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