Suspected prostatic carcinoma in a 14 year old MN Dachsund with remarkable response to alternative therapeutic protocol

Case Study

Suspected prostatic carcinoma in a 14 year old MN Dachsund with remarkable response to alternative therapeutic protocol

A 14-year-old NM Dachshund was presented for evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infection. On urinalysis, inappropriate specific gravity (1.024), hematuria, proteinuria, and pyuria were evident.

A 14-year-old NM Dachshund was presented for evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infection. On urinalysis, inappropriate specific gravity (1.024), hematuria, proteinuria, and pyuria were evident.


Prostatic mass strongly suggestive of carcinoma

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

12/10: Suggestive for prostatic carcinoma with cystic component. Fine-needle aspirates, cyst drainage and culture would be warranted. 5/11: Persistent mineralized prostate. This is suggestive of carcinoma. However, it was significantly improved compared to the prior sonogram and under current alternative treatment protocol.

Image Interpretation

Initial exam was performed in 12/10: The prostate presented multiple cystic changes with focal areas of mineralization and disruption of architecture. The prostate measured 3.5 x 2.5 cm with 1 x 0.6 cm near field cystic component, which is adding to the bulk of the prostate. This is highly suggestive for prostatic carcinoma. Repeat exam performed 5/11: A significantly regressed prostate was noted. It now measured 1.86 cm. Blood flow was significant to the mass itself. However, the contour was reduced from the prior sonogram.


No further outcome.



Cyst drainage and fine-needle aspirates of the parenchymal portion that is mineralized would be recommended for a definitive diagnosis. However, the prostate has responded remarkably to the current alternative therapy. It is recommended to continue the current clinical protocol. No cystic changes were noted and this may be one of the reasons the patient is not symptomatic. Recheck sonogram is recommended in 3 months or earlier if any clinical signs arise.

The protocol employed on this patient was an alternative one prescribed by Dr Marnee Madsen of of Euigene, Oregon:

Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (Angelica and Cordalis Combination) moves the blood (improves circulation below the diaphragm, especially the prostate and liver. 

Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Formula) anti-neoplastic, enhances adrenal function, anti-inflammatory…many other properties and functions.

Inositol and IP-6 increases NK cells

Vitamin A/D orally 100,000 IU/15,000 IU respectively daily

Saw Palmetto extract BID

Moxxor (a potent antioxidant) daily

Enrofloxacin 22.7 mg every other day

Metacam 18 lb dose twice weekly


Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Recurrent urinary tract infections – bladder pathology (uroliths, polyploid cystitis, neoplasia, chronic bacterial cystitis), renal pathology (pyelonephritis, renoliths), prostatic pathology (prostatitis, neoplasia)


Urinalysis from sample obtained when patient was under anesthesia revealed microalbuminuria of 3.2, urine specific gravity 1.032, pH 8, protein 1+, Amorphous phosphatase crystals 2-3, transitional epithelia 2-3.

UA Specific Gravity Range


Patient Information

Patient Name : Willie P
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 09_00032


  • UTI




  • Blood Present
  • Protein Present
  • Specific Gravity Abnormal
  • WBCs Present
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