This 12-year-old FS Labrador Retriever cross presented for vomiting and anorexia. The physical exam revealed painful abdomen, moderate dehydration, and weight loss. The initial CBC and blood chemistry was normal while the follow-up blood chemistry 5 days later revealed severely elevated lipase and elevated amylase, mildly elevated SAP and elevated total bilirubin, moderate hypoalbuminemia with a normal urinalysis. The sonogram was performed at the same time as the follow-up blood analysis.
This 12-year-old FS Labrador Retriever cross presented for vomiting and anorexia. The physical exam revealed painful abdomen, moderate dehydration, and weight loss. The initial CBC and blood chemistry was normal while the follow-up blood chemistry 5 days later revealed severely elevated lipase and elevated amylase, mildly elevated SAP and elevated total bilirubin, moderate hypoalbuminemia with a normal urinalysis. The sonogram was performed at the same time as the follow-up blood analysis.