Suppurative inflammation of the stomach in an 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog

Case Study

Suppurative inflammation of the stomach in an 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog

An 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog was presented for weight loss. CBC showed lymphopenia, with normal serum biochemistry. LowT4.

An 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog was presented for weight loss. CBC showed lymphopenia, with normal serum biochemistry. LowT4.


Cytology: gastric wall suggestive of suppurative inflammation. Spleen- extramedullary hematopoiesis.

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

Gastritis or potential infiltrative disease such as carcinoma or lymphoma.

Image Interpretation

The spleen presented multiple echogenic nodular changes with capsular expansion and disruption of architecture. Each measured approximately 2cm. The stomach in this patient presented some minor variable gastric wall thickening in the greater curvature with associated lymphadenopathy.


The patient was given carafate, metronidazole, and amoxicillin and is doing much better.


Depending on cytology results splenectomy and gastric biopsies are recommended

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Weight loss – poor diet; food competition; neoplasia; GI tract pathology ( oral disease, Helicobacter gastritis, IBD, neoplasia, helminths)


FNAs were performed on the hypoechoic portion of the gastric wall.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Corbin K
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 04_00314

Clinical Signs

  • Weight loss


  • Weight Loss

Exam Finding

  • Weight loss



Blood Chemistry

  • Hypothyroidism


  • Lymphocytes, Low

Clinical Signs

  • Weight loss
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