Presenting Clinical Signs: Possible seizure activity at home. “stargazing”. Today had episode of inability to get up, urinated on self, weak, not responsive to owner.
PE: Obtunded on presentations. Oxygen therapy, blood glucose( 579) PCV ( 31) and total protein 3.8. Now PCV 19 and TP 2.1 after 1 L + and 250ml Vetastarch.
Presenting Clinical Signs: Possible seizure activity at home. “stargazing”. Today had episode of inability to get up, urinated on self, weak, not responsive to owner.
PE: Obtunded on presentations. Oxygen therapy, blood glucose( 579) PCV ( 31) and total protein 3.8. Now PCV 19 and TP 2.1 after 1 L + and 250ml Vetastarch.