A 8 year old FS Sphynx cat was presented with a 2 month history of neurological signs at home. Is a retired breeding cat. Grade 2 systolic soft left sided heart murmur hx since 2014. Also history of URI, owners say her breathing is more raspy and audible. Decrease appetite and wt loss 1lb. Neuro episodes: She seeks out Mr, seems wobbly and ataxic, but able to stand and looks around. Seems tired after episode. No vocalizing, u/bm. No pu/pd.
A 8 year old FS Sphynx cat was presented with a 2 month history of neurological signs at home. Is a retired breeding cat. Grade 2 systolic soft left sided heart murmur hx since 2014. Also history of URI, owners say her breathing is more raspy and audible. Decrease appetite and wt loss 1lb. Neuro episodes: She seeks out Mr, seems wobbly and ataxic, but able to stand and looks around. Seems tired after episode. No vocalizing, u/bm. No pu/pd.
Physical Exam: BCS 5/9, 1-2 grade soft heart murmur systolic left sided. Increased bronchovesicular sounds esp on inspiration. No ocular or nasal discharge. regular rhythem. HR 150 RR 48. CBC/Chem/UA pending