This 5 year old MN Giant Schnauzer presented with acute onset lethargy and hematuria
Physical exam: slightly pale and icteric mucous membranes. Temp 103.1
CBC: HCT 21.7%, HGB- 7.2g/dl, platelets 30,000; coagulation panel Normal ( pT and ApTT) 4DX= Negative
Chem: Albumin- Normal at 4.0 g/dl, TBIL increased 3.8 mg/dl
This 5 year old MN Giant Schnauzer presented with acute onset lethargy and hematuria
Physical exam: slightly pale and icteric mucous membranes. Temp 103.1
CBC: HCT 21.7%, HGB- 7.2g/dl, platelets 30,000; coagulation panel Normal ( pT and ApTT) 4DX= Negative
Chem: Albumin- Normal at 4.0 g/dl, TBIL increased 3.8 mg/dl