RAD – Thoracic metastases check negative in a 14 year old MN Siberian Husky with abdominal mass and seizures

Case Study

RAD – Thoracic metastases check negative in a 14 year old MN Siberian Husky with abdominal mass and seizures

This 14 year old Siberian Husky dog has a history of grand mal seizures of one yar duration. Presented with focal seizures. Large growth noted on the abdomen

Physical exam: Presented laterally recumbant. Acute ataxia with nystagmus and head tilt

CBC/CHem: HCT 32%, Ca low

Looking for mets

This 14 year old Siberian Husky dog has a history of grand mal seizures of one yar duration. Presented with focal seizures. Large growth noted on the abdomen

Physical exam: Presented laterally recumbant. Acute ataxia with nystagmus and head tilt

CBC/CHem: HCT 32%, Ca low

Looking for mets


The radiographic study is negative for metastatic sprea

Image Interpretation

Rads of the thorax – Bridging spondylosis deformans, narrow disc space and degenerative spondylarthropathy at T11/12 and T12/13. Flared widening of the ventral third of the 2nd right rib. No soft tissue mass effect or aggressive osteolysis is seen.

There is an extrathoracic soft tissue mass effect superimposed onto the ventral cranial abdomen and caudal thorax noted on the left lateral view consistent with a fat opacity on the left side of the caudal thorax/cranial abdomen on the ventrodorsal view. Marked hypovolemia with micocardia and underperfusion of the lung is noted. There is no evidence of metastatic spread to the lungs or the mediastinal lymph nodes.




There is evidence of marked hypovolemia. A subcutaneous lipoma emerging from the left caudal thoracic/cranial abdominal wall and degenerative changes of the axial skeleton are noted as incidental findings. Even though limited to full assessment the changes of the 2nd right rib are suggestive for a healed fracture and likely incidental.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Linkin Dellose/CVC
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00054

Clinical Signs

  • Seizures

Exam Finding

  • Ataxia
  • Neurologic signs



Clinical Signs

  • Seizures
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