RAD – Regional mesenteric peritonitis or effusion in a 4 year old DSH cat presented for stranguria

Case Study

RAD – Regional mesenteric peritonitis or effusion in a 4 year old DSH cat presented for stranguria

This 4 year old MN DSH cat is straining to urinate

This 4 year old MN DSH cat is straining to urinate


The radiographic findings are suggestive for regional mesenteric peritonitis or effusion. Moreover a non-specific small intestinal maldigestion pattern is noted.

Image Interpretation

Lateral and VD abdomen – The serosal detail appears to be reduced in the region of the small intesine. The small
intestinal loops are bunched within the central and right abdomen and reveal an
abnormal gas content. There is no intestinal dilation. A foreign body is not seen.
The stomach contains a mild amount of gas and fluid. The urinary bladder
is moderately distended. No abnormal opacities are noted within the urinary bladder or
throughout the course of the urethra.


In case the radiographic findings are paralleled by clinical signs of gastrointestinal
disease further definition by abdominal ultrasound is warranted.
There was no evidence of radio-opaque calculi throughout the urinary tract.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Zack/DPC
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00007

Clinical Signs

  • Stranguria



Clinical Signs

  • Stranguria
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