RAD – Pre-surgical metastases thoracic check negative in a 8 year old FS Goldendoodle with a digital mass

Case Study

RAD – Pre-surgical metastases thoracic check negative in a 8 year old FS Goldendoodle with a digital mass

This 8 year old FS Goldendoodle dog presented with a digital mass of approximately 6 months duration. Today is a metastses check prior to digital amputation.

This 8 year old FS Goldendoodle dog presented with a digital mass of approximately 6 months duration. Today is a metastses check prior to digital amputation.


• No evidence of metastatic spread to the lung • Expected age related changes of the lung parenchyma • Slight cranioventral mediastinal widening

Image Interpretation

right lateral, left lateral and VD thorax – There is no radiographic evidence of metastatic spread to the lungs or mediastinal lymph nodes. The lung parenchyma presents a moderate generalized and well structured bronchointerstitial pattern. Several pulmonary osteomas are seen.
There cranial mediastinum is slightly widened and occupies three times the width of the vertebral bodies. A veil shaped soft tissue opacity is seen to the left of the spine border effacing with the cardiac silhouette.


The cranial mediastinal soft tissue opacity is likely an incidental thymic remnant which happens to occur in adult dogs. The mild rotation of the view also contributed to the wide projection of the cranial mediastinum. An emerging thymoma, thymic lymphoma or other cranioventral mediastinal mass is unlikely.
If further definition is warranted ultrasound of the cranial mediastinum or thoracic CT may be considered.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Gracie Giordano
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00006

Exam Finding

  • Masses


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