This 2 year old F Springer Spaniel presented to have OFA rads performed. 2nd opinion requested today.
This 2 year old F Springer Spaniel presented to have OFA rads performed. 2nd opinion requested today.
This 2 year old F Springer Spaniel presented to have OFA rads performed. 2nd opinion requested today.
This 2 year old F Springer Spaniel presented to have OFA rads performed. 2nd opinion requested today.
Right elbow: The anconeal process is fused to the ulna. A small, well delineated osteophyte of less than 2 mm height is seen proximally on the anconeal process.Moderate sclerosis of the trochlear notch of the ulna is seen along with the course of the capsular attachment of the elbow joint.
Left elbow: The anconeal process is fused to the ulna. A well delineated double outline is seen proximally at the anconeal process. mild sclerosis of the trochlear notch of the ulna is seen along with the course of the capsular attachment of the elbow joint.
The clinical significance of the findings is very questionable.