RAD – Destructive rhinitis likely fungal in a 10 year old MN Labrador Retriever

Case Study

RAD – Destructive rhinitis likely fungal in a 10 year old MN Labrador Retriever

This 10 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog presented with an intermittent bloody nasal discharge beginning with nose trauma 3 weeks ago. Sneezing.

This 10 year old MN Labrador Retriever dog presented with an intermittent bloody nasal discharge beginning with nose trauma 3 weeks ago. Sneezing.


Right-sided destructive rhinitis, suggestive for fungal – the changes are localized and only mild to moderate in degree.

Image Interpretation

CT of the head – Focal destruction of the nasal turbinates is noted within the mid third of the right nasal
cavity. The nasal septum is intact. The bony wall of the nasal cavities is within normal
limits, no hyperostosis is noted. There are no abnormal nasal secretions in the mid- and
caudal third of the nasal cavity. An accumulation of fluid attenuating material is
obstructing the right nares as far as seen. A foreign body is not seen. A mass lesion is not seen.


Chronic bacterial or viral rhinitis with or without
superinfection is a possible, but less likely differential diagnosis. There is no indication
of a neoplastic process. An underlying foreign body is not evident. Rhinoscopy with sampling for fungal and bacterial cultures is warranted


Rhinos copy performed, biopsy pending

Patient Information

Patient Name : Buddy Sims/Bluegrass
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00021

Clinical Signs

  • Nasal discharge bloody
  • Sneezing



Clinical Signs

  • Nasal discharge bloody
  • Sneezing
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