RAD – Chronic tendovaginitis of the left biceps and left abductor pollicis logus tendon in a 13 year old FS English Pointer

Case Study

RAD – Chronic tendovaginitis of the left biceps and left abductor pollicis logus tendon in a 13 year old FS English Pointer

This 13 year old FS English Pointer presented with lamenss on left front, refractory to medication. 

This 13 year old FS English Pointer presented with lamenss on left front, refractory to medication. 


The radiographic findings are suggestive for chronic tendovaginitis of the left biceps tendon and possible tendovaginitis of the left abductor pollicis logus tendon.

Image Interpretation

Rads of the left forelimb –  A focal region of mildly increased bone opacity is visible at the level with the intertubercular groove of the biceps. Mildly irregular delineation and mildly reduced opacity of the supraglenoid tubercle is noted. Emerging smooth new bone formation can be seen at the caudal aspect of the humeral head as well as at the infraglenoid tubercle.  A mild amount of smooth new bone is seen at the distal radius level with the sulcus of the abductor pollicis longus tendon as well as on the dorsal contour of the intermedioradial carpal bone.


Sclerosis of intertubercular groove of the left biceps tendon, mild demineralization of the left supraglenoid tubercle, emerging osteoarthritis of the left shoulder and antebrachiocarpal joint mild exostosis of the left abductor pollicis longs groove.
The degenerative changes of the shoulder and carpal joints indicate the chronicity of the
Ultrasonographic examination of the left shoulder rotator cuff and of the abductor
pollicis longus is recommended for further definition. Consider local anesthesia/nerve
block of the carpal region if the reason for the lameness remains unclear as a further
diagnostic test as well.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Honey Nardi/Hamburg
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00076

Clinical Signs

  • Lameness



Clinical Signs

  • Lameness
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