RAD – Bilateral chronic degenerative carpal hyperlaxicity syndrome in a 6 year old FS Labrador Retriever

Case Study

RAD – Bilateral chronic degenerative carpal hyperlaxicity syndrome in a 6 year old FS Labrador Retriever

This 6 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of pain and lameness of 2 years duration, and has been on steroids since then. Presented with plantigrade gait of the carpi with carpi and tarsal pain.

This 6 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of pain and lameness of 2 years duration, and has been on steroids since then. Presented with plantigrade gait of the carpi with carpi and tarsal pain.


The radiographic findings may possibly match a bilateral chronic degenerative carpal hyperlaxity syndrome

Image Interpretation

Rads of the carpal joints and distal hind limbs – 

Carpi: Both carpal joints presents mild enthesiophyte formation at the accessory bone, one at the distal aspect and the contralateral carpus at the proximal aspect.

Hind limbs: At the plantar aspect of the tarsometatarsal joint two small round well defined mineral opaque structures were noted, measuring approximately 1 mm in diameter, consistent with rudimentary first digit bones.




No evidence of erosive arthritis
 Bilateral carpal soft tissue swelling emphasizing the palmar aspects
 Incidental mild enthesiophytes accessory bones
 Mild lymphadenopathy popliteal lymph nodes
Clinical correlation of this diagnosis is warranted for verification of this possibility. There is no evidence of a link to rheumatoid or other arthritis here.
Conservative management including supportive splints or bandages and physiotherapy can be an option for some animals with developmental hyperextension. Severe forms of degenerative hyperextension are treated by pan-carpal arthrodesis.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Bella Bolds/CVC
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00078

Clinical Signs

  • Lameness
  • Pain


  • Lameness



Clinical Signs

  • Lameness
  • Pain
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