RAD – Bacterial pleuropneumonia and mild lung cortication in a 10 year old FS Husky

Case Study

RAD – Bacterial pleuropneumonia and mild lung cortication in a 10 year old FS Husky

This 10 year old FS Husky presented with coughing and pyrexia 5 days before, has been on prednisone and baytril and still is febrile although cough has improved. 

This 10 year old FS Husky presented with coughing and pyrexia 5 days before, has been on prednisone and baytril and still is febrile although cough has improved. 


The findings are compatible with bacterial pleuropneumonia and mild cortication of the lung.

Image Interpretation

Rads of the thorax –  The caudal compartment of the left cranial lung lobe presents homogeneous soft tissue  opacity, airbronchograms are noted The volume of the left cranial lung lobe is preserved. The cranial compartment of the left cranial lung lobe presents patchy soft tissue opacity with faint airbronchograms and a mildly reduced volume. 

The left cranial lung lobe is separated from the thoracic wall by a soft tissue opaque area, the area of the retrosternal soft tissue opacity is increased. The lung lobes present with mildly rounded contour, pleural fissure lines are noted. The right lung reveals mild hyperinflation.

The remaining lung parenchyma presents a moderately increased unstructured reticular pattern. Moderate blurring of the small peripheral lung vessels is noted.


Alveolar consolidation left cranial lung lobe
• Mild pleural effusion with asymmetric distribution
• Moderate interstitial lung pattern
Even though considered unlikely potential differential diagnoses include fungal/mycobacterial pleuropneumonia and round-cell neoplasia (histocytic sarcoma).
Ultrasound guided FNA sampling of the pleural fluid and consolidated lung for
cytology and culture are advised for further workup if not performed yet. The 3rd or 4th
left intercostal space are a suitable acoustic window to the consolidated left cranial
lung lobe. If clinical signs persist surgical lobectomy of the left cranial lung lobe may be

Patient Information

Patient Name : Lily Gottlieb/Bayshore
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00089

Clinical Signs

  • Coughing

Exam Finding

  • Fever



Clinical Signs

  • Coughing
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