Post-hepatic obstruction in a 7-year-old FS Shih Tzu mixed breed

Case Study

Post-hepatic obstruction in a 7-year-old FS Shih Tzu mixed breed

A 7-year-old FS Shih Tzu mixed breed was presented for a second opinion. Oreo was grossly jaundiced and had been treated for sometime for Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia. CBC found WBC: 25,700, Diff: neutrophilia with some bands noted. Monocytosis. HCT: 44.3% and Platelets were normal at 307,000. Blood chemistry revealed glucose 165, globulin 4.8, ALKP 6764, GGT 155, T.bili 8.0.

A 7-year-old FS Shih Tzu mixed breed was presented for a second opinion. Oreo was grossly jaundiced and had been treated for sometime for Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia. CBC found WBC: 25,700, Diff: neutrophilia with some bands noted. Monocytosis. HCT: 44.3% and Platelets were normal at 307,000. Blood chemistry revealed glucose 165, globulin 4.8, ALKP 6764, GGT 155, T.bili 8.0.


The patient underwent an exploratory surgery and had the gallbladder removed. Mucocele was confirmed. There was dilation of the cystic and CBD but no sign of a tumor or stone obstructing the CBD.

Patient Information

Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete


  • Immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA)
  • Immune mediated thrombocytopenia (IMTP)


Blood Chemistry

  • Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP), High
  • GGT High
  • Glucose, High
  • Total Bilirubin, High


  • Hematocrit, High
  • Monocytes, High
  • Neutrophils, High
  • WBC, High
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