ORTHO – Normal age related changes on ultrasound of the shoulder in a Husky dog with lameness

Case Study

ORTHO – Normal age related changes on ultrasound of the shoulder in a Husky dog with lameness

This Husky dog presented with intermittent lameness of the left foreleg of 9 months duration.

Physical Exam- painful left shoulder on extension

This Husky dog presented with intermittent lameness of the left foreleg of 9 months duration.

Physical Exam- painful left shoulder on extension


The ultrasonographic findings are very subtle and likely to be within normal limits.

Image Interpretation

ultrasound of the left shoulder- The distal insertion tendon of the supraspinatus muscle is smooth in outline and mainly
hypoechoic as anticipated. There are several non shadowing small echogenic foci
within the tendon proximal to its insertion. Calcifation or fibrotic nodules are not
noted. There is minor irregularity of the bone surface of the major humeral tubercle at
the insertion of the supraspinatus tendon. There is no mass effect/impingement on the
biceps tendon.
The biceps tendon is regular in width and outline with homogenous echogenicity and
regular fibre pattern throughput. A focal area of minor synovial sheath thickening is
noted level with the proximal aspect of the biceps tendon at its entrance into the
inter tubercular groove. The degree of joint and
synovial sheath effusion is within normal limits. The bone surface of the
intertubercular groove is even and smooth.
The volume, echogenicity and echotexture of the infraspinatus muscle are within
normal limits.


The minor thickening of the synovial membrane of the biceps tendon sheath is very
unlikely to be of any significance without tendon sheath effusion and should therefore
not be interpreted as a sign of tendovaginitis.
Minor insertional tendinopathy and very small fibrotic foci are noted for the
supraspinatus tendon and are considered age related degenerative changes rather than
clinically relevant tendinopathy.
Other underlying causes of the current clinical signs should be considered.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Bea Reeve/Westview VH
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes

Clinical Signs

  • Lameness


  • Lameness

Exam Finding

  • Pain

Clinical Signs

  • Lameness
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