History of left front lameness since February 2015. Has received regular rehab therapy since then. MRI done 5/24/15 showed marked left shoulder joint effusion, supraspinatous insertionopathy and evidence of core damage to the bicipital tendon. The marked decrease in size of the biceps at its site of origination is concerning for impending tendon rupture. Unremarkable cervical spine and left axilla. Left shoulder arthroscopy 6/15/2015 revealed significant inflammation of the joint capsule (synovitis) and subscapularis tendon. A supraspinatus bulge was documented.
History of left front lameness since February 2015. Has received regular rehab therapy since then. MRI done 5/24/15 showed marked left shoulder joint effusion, supraspinatous insertionopathy and evidence of core damage to the bicipital tendon. The marked decrease in size of the biceps at its site of origination is concerning for impending tendon rupture. Unremarkable cervical spine and left axilla. Left shoulder arthroscopy 6/15/2015 revealed significant inflammation of the joint capsule (synovitis) and subscapularis tendon. A supraspinatus bulge was documented. Inflammation and fraying of the biceps tendon at the origin was also confirmed. A bicipital tendon release was performed. Debriding of the synovitis was performed with a 2.3mm shaver. The subscapularis, once debrided, had multiple linear striations noted. Focal, precise radio frequency was used to the tendon. PRP injections 7/8/2015: 6 mls of fluid was removed from his left shoulder. An intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (Angel System 2.5mls) was performed to the left shoulder. An ultrasound-guided intra-lesional PRP injection was performed to the supraspinatus tendon. (Rehab 7/17, 7/31, 8/4).
PE: Lameness persists, especially in the morning