ORTHO – Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture with meniscal damage in a 6 year old FS German Shepherd dog

Case Study

ORTHO – Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture with meniscal damage in a 6 year old FS German Shepherd dog

This 6 year old FS HGerman Shepherd dog has a history of bilateral joint effusion polyarthritis. PE: Left stifle positive cranial drawer, CCT, restriction to flexion, crepitus, thickened medial buttress.

This 6 year old FS HGerman Shepherd dog has a history of bilateral joint effusion polyarthritis. PE: Left stifle positive cranial drawer, CCT, restriction to flexion, crepitus, thickened medial buttress.


The findings of the left stifle joint are compatible with severe osteoarthritis with erosive component with joint effusion, osteophytosis, capsular fibrosis, synovial proliferation as well as cartilage and subchondral bone damage; complete biomechanical failure of the CCL

Image Interpretation

Ultrasound of the left stifle:

Both the supra- and infrapatellar recess of the left stifle joint contain a large amount ofanechoic effusion with medial and lateral synovial pouches. The joint capsule presents marked irregular thickening. A large amount of synovial proliferations is noted.  A large amount of osteophytes with irregular ill-defined surface is noted at the periarticular margins of the femoropatellar and femorotibial joints. The joint cartilage presents an overall increase in echogenicity with uneven thickness and surface of the cartilage layer. Focal subchondral bone erosion is noted.  The lateral meniscus is in situ with mildly irregular contour and slightly increased echogenicity.


The distal part of the CC ligament can be seen and a rupture
of all fibres is less likely than a gross partial rupture or severe elongation of the
ligament. A combination of degenerative joint disease and (immune mediated) arthritis
is considered likely as underlying cause of the ligamentous failure. The findings are
not typical for septic arthritis.
The ultrasonographic findings are further suggestive for medial meniscal injury and
lateral meniscal degeneration.
Synovial aspiration for culture and cytology is recommended for further definition if
not yet done.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Tasha STepaniuk/Westview
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 18_00048

Exam Finding

  • Cranial drawer posiive


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