Ultrasound of both shoulders and right stifle joint – Right shoulder:
The volume, echogenicity and echotexture of both the supra- and infraspinatus muscle
are within normal limits.
The distal insertion tendon of the supraspinatus appears to be normal in volume; there
is no impingement on the biceps tendon noted. Several foci of emerging calcification
are noted next to the slightly irregular bone surface of the major humeral tubercle.
The distal insertion tendon of the infraspinatus is even in width, smooth in outline and
presents a regular fibre pattern. The attachment to the bone is within normal limits.
The biceps tendon is even in width, smooth in outline and presents a regular and
uniform fibre pattern. There is no tendon sheath effusion or thickening. The bone
surface of the intertubercular groove is even and smooth.
Left shoulder:
The volume, echogenicity and echotexture of both the supra- and infraspinatus muscle
are within normal limits.
The distal insertion tendon of the supraspinatus appears to be normal in volume; there
is no impingement on the biceps tendon noted. The echoarchitecture of the tendinous
attachment to the major humeral tubercle is within normal limits. The bone surface is
even and smooth. The distal insertion tendon of the infraspinatus is even in width, smooth in outline and
presents a regular fibre pattern. The attachment to the bone is within normal limits.
The biceps tendon is even in width, smooth in outline and presents a regular and
uniform fibre pattern. There is no tendon sheath effusion or thickening. The bone
surface of the intertubercular groove is even and smooth.
Right stifle:
A mild amount of anechoic effusion and mild synovial thickening is noted within the
suprapatellar recess of the right stifle joint.
The infrapatellar recess is devoid of effusion and scant synovial thickening is noted.
The infrapatellar fat pad presents with the expected regular echoarchitecture.
The cranial cruciate ligament is continuous with a regular fibre pattern, even thickness
and smooth outline.
The medial meniscus is in situ, uniform in echogenicity and smooth in outline. The
lateral meniscus reveals very few non-shadowing echogenic foci, but is in situ with
uniform echogenicity and smooth outline.