Normal post neuter prostate in an 8 year old MN Shih Tzu dog

Case Study

Normal post neuter prostate in an 8 year old MN Shih Tzu dog

The patient is a canine Shih Tzu, MN, 8 years old. Prostate was enlarged at the time. Dog had a history of splenic neoplasia and prostatomegaly at 7 yrs old (>6 months prior to the sonogram) and underwent splenectomy and orchectomy at that time. Prior to the sonogram, the urinalysis showed epithelial cells (transitional/squamous cells). Urine specific gravity was 1.034 with a pH 7 and 2-3 transitional cells per high power field. Urine culture was negative. Ultrasound was conducted to evaluate for prostatic and/or bladder cancer (eg. transitional cell carcinoma).

The patient is a canine Shih Tzu, MN, 8 years old. Prostate was enlarged at the time. Dog had a history of splenic neoplasia and prostatomegaly at 7 yrs old (>6 months prior to the sonogram) and underwent splenectomy and orchectomy at that time. Prior to the sonogram, the urinalysis showed epithelial cells (transitional/squamous cells). Urine specific gravity was 1.034 with a pH 7 and 2-3 transitional cells per high power field. Urine culture was negative. Ultrasound was conducted to evaluate for prostatic and/or bladder cancer (eg. transitional cell carcinoma).


Normal post-neuter prostate.

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

Normal post neuter prostate and bladder.

Image Interpretation

The prostate was uniform in echogenicity and contour at 1.06 cm. There was no evidence of residual pathology.


No further outcome at this time.

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Urinalysis abnormalities – prostatic disease (normal post castration, neoplasia, prostatitis), bladder pathology (neoplasia, cystitis).







UA Specific Gravity Range


Patient Information

Patient Name : Elvis A
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 09_00041


  • Neoplasia
  • Prostatic enlargement




  • Culture negative
  • Transitional Epithelial Cells Present
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