This 12-year-old neutered male chocolate Labrador Retriever dog presented for a history of profound lethargy, occasional vomiting and progressive anorexia. The physical exam revealed moderate dehydration and mild cranial abdominal pain. The CBC revealed mild leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry demonstrated severely elevated amylase and lipase, severely elevated triglycerides, mildly elevated SAP, mildly elevated total bilirubin, mildly elevated cholesterol, mildly elevated sodium, mildly elevated potassium, and mildly elevated phosphorus.
This 12-year-old neutered male chocolate Labrador Retriever dog presented for a history of profound lethargy, occasional vomiting and progressive anorexia. The physical exam revealed moderate dehydration and mild cranial abdominal pain. The CBC revealed mild leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry demonstrated severely elevated amylase and lipase, severely elevated triglycerides, mildly elevated SAP, mildly elevated total bilirubin, mildly elevated cholesterol, mildly elevated sodium, mildly elevated potassium, and mildly elevated phosphorus.